About a year ago I was convinced to start building my rods using the Common Cents system I read about on the Rodbuilding.org forum. The more I learned about this system of rod building the more I realized that was the way it needed to be done.
I have a space problem and a set up problem I had to find a way to work around. When I opened my engraving school here at the studio I had to use what was my dedicated rod building bench for student workstations. I am having enough classes at the school now that it is not feasible to be constantly breaking down and and resetting up the bench between rod bench and student bench. I need a way to set up a portable rod building set up that could be used while leaving the student workstations in tact.
Here is what I came up with. This is my portable common cents rod building bench that breaks down and stores on top the cabinet when I have a class here. It is made to set across the two engraving vise stands at those student stations.
The base is a small sturdy construction with drawers. I made it so I could true up my rod lathe and semi-permanently screw the lathe bed to it. The upright on the left has both a static deflection tool for guide spacing and the rod holding end of my ERN measuring gauge. On the right end of the set up is a unit that uses the bed of the lathe as a track to slide back and fourth as needed. The upright on this piece is a reinforced metal ruler to measure the ERN. On that ruler is an Action Angle guide made of engravers plastic. I engraved the angle readings through the white surface into the black subsurface for clean crisp lines and numbers. On the back of the angle plate I made a kydex clip that holds it to the ruler in a way that allows me to slide it up and down as needed. The ring eye for the static deflection test and a built in spline finder are also on this right hand section. I have to go now. I will try to post more close up pics and more detailed descriptions in my next post. Hopefully tomorrow after church.
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